The 20 Rep Squat Program is a classic weightlifting routine designed to build mass and strength. It was introduced by John McCallum in 1968 and has been used by elite lifters and strength coaches. Here’s how it works:
Squat: You perform one set of 20 repetitions of squats in each workout. Your goal is to add five pounds to your 20-rep max weight every training session. The program lasts for six weeks.
Starting Weight: Determine your starting weight by figuring out your 5RM (5-rep max) and subtracting 5 pounds for each day you’ll be training. For example, if your 5RM is 300 pounds and you train three times a week, your starting weight would be 210 pounds.
Breathing Squats: Around rep 15, you’ll be out of breath and your legs will burn. But you push through, squatting out another rep. This intensity is what makes the program effective.
Variations: There are different variations of the program, but the squat remains the foundation. You can adjust other exercises based on your skill level.
Here’s an example of the original 20 Rep Squat Program:
- Behind-the-Neck Press: 3 sets of 12 reps
- Squat: 1 set of 20 reps
- Pullovers: 1 set of 20 reps
- Bench Press: 3 sets of 12 reps
- Bent-Over Rows: 3 sets of 15 reps
- Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 1 set of 15 reps
Remember, this routine is mentally challenging, but it can yield impressive results. If you’re a beginner, consider starting with a scaled-down version and adjust the frequency to fit your recovery ability